Aneuclose LLC: About
the Company
Aneuclose LLC has been working
on new options for treating cerebral aneurysms since 2009, starting with
an intrasacular device called the Janjua Aneurysm Net. The Janjua
Aneurysm Net is a flexible net or mesh which is filled with microsponges
delivered via solution. Aneuclose has since broadened its approaches
to include other intrasacular approaches and also some parent vessel stents.
Its most recent product concept is the Janjua
Aneurysm Net plus Bridge. The Aneuclose team includes a Neurointensivist,
a university professor emeritus and inventor honored by the Minnesota Intellectual
Property Law Association, a biomedical engineer, and the CEO emeritus of
a medical device firm. Aneuclose is located in the Twin Cities
area of Minnesota, which is the home of LifeScience Alley and one of the
largest and most dynamic medical technology communities in the world.